lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019

The Hofstede Model

The Hofstede Model, serves to identify the cultural patterns of each group, the discrepancies of behavior and improve our understanding of other cultures by examining how cultural values affect this behavior.
To analyze from a development perspective to the USA, we can base ourselves on The Hofstede Model , in which according to the previous knowledge we have of this country, we have the following indexes:
PDI: Power Distance Index
IDV: Individualism Versus Collectivism
MAS: Masculinity Versus Femininity
UAI: Uncertainty Avoidance Index
LTO: Long Term Orientation Versus Short Term Orientation
IND: Indulgence Versus Restraint

We obtained this information from the following website:

Now we make the comparison of Colombia (Azul) vs USA (purple)

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